Friday, September 12, 2008

Informations About Hair And Hair Growth Vitamins

Welcome to Hair Growth Vitamins Info WebSite. These days it seams that with so many quick growth formulas you can grow your hair quicker than before and than you normally would. But do these formulas work, and what do they need to have to work properly?

How does hair grow?

What we usually call hair is in reality the hair shaft ( keratinized tissue that grows from a follicle. Hair is formed at the base of a follicle and it's growth continues for a period varying between four and seven years. After the growth period there's a short ‘resting’ phase, after which it is time for the hair to fall out. Three weeks to three months later a new hair grows.

Our head contains thousands of hair follicles located below the skin. Not all of them are active at the same time. Around 80% of our follicles are producing hair growth at one time. The remaining 20% of the follicles are asleep or dormant.

When dormant hair follicles start working again, they push out an old hair as they are producing a new one. Hair usually grows at an average rate of one-half inch every month.

Hair growth effectively covers three distinct phases:
1. anagen - active growth phase ( lasts several years and around 85% or our hair is in this phase at any given time )
2. catagen - regressive phase ( lasts around 2 weeks and about 3 - 4% of our body hair is in this phase at any given time )
3. telogen - lasts around 5-6 weeks and during this phase the old hair falls out and the new hair begins to shape ( about 10-13% of our body hair is in this phase at any given time )

Vitamins for hair growth

Hair is made up of 80 % protein. This is why the vitamins with a high concentration of B vitamins and protein will make your hair grow quickly. The hair vitamin product you buy should have B complex, folic acid, and inositol in it.

Folic acid also known as Vitamin M - speeds up production of new cells. It is extremely important for quick hair growth. Food sources - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peas, chickpeas and brown rice, some cereals, breads and fruit (oranges and bananas). For adult men the regular dosage for folic acid is 400 mcg. and for adult women is 200 mcg.

Inositol - strengthens the cell membranes and prevents hair from falling out. Food sources - whole grains, brewer's yeast, liver and citrus fruits. Daily Dose allowed: Up to 600 mg.

Hair Growth Vitamins are not enough to ensure fast hair growth. Your hair needs to be clean at all times. This way the pores through which the hair grows are clean and free of blockage. This is why hair growth treatments usually come with a shampoo. A clean scalp always makes the product work better.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hair Growth Vitamins Vs Hair Loss Informations

Hair Growth Vitamins Guide

Hair loss
is a big worry to many people, both male and female. It can be a result of genes, bad nutrition, medications, or disease. Your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain its proper functions, but there are few vitamins and minerals specific to hair growth and health. Unbalanced nutrition usually leads to lack of B vitamins and other vitamins which are important for normal hair growth and hair health.

It is very important to get the right vitamins in the right amount in order to prevent hair-loss and help your hair to grow stronger and healthier. Vitamins for hair loss can be found in cosmetic products, in food and supplements.

- B vitamins are essential for hair growth and health
Vitamin B3 is the most essential for hair growth since it helps the circulation in the scalp
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid prevents graying and hair loss
Vitamin B6 helps to create melanin which gives the hair its color
Vitamin B12 is very good for hair loss prevention.

- Biotin also known as Vitamin H or Vitamin B7, is a part of the vitamin B complex and its very important for hair loss prevention. Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids. It helps to maintain healthy hair and skin and sometimes helps to prevent hair loss. Biotin deficiency makes your hair look unhealthy and fragile.

- Vitamin A prevents drying of glands which are vital for sebum production. Sebum is an important lubricant for the hair follicle and has an effect on hair loss. When there is lack of vitamin A the scalp becomes dry, dandruff appears, the hair dries and looks unhealthy.

- Vitamin C prevents hair loss. Vitamin C is very good for the scalp circulation. When there is lack of vitamin C the hair looks dry, breaks, and dies.

- Vitamin E boosts hair growth. Vitamin E Helps the blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates oxygen intake.

Balanced nutrition is very important for your health and the health of your hair. You should check the amount of vitamins in the body every once in a while to make sure the nutrition is balances enough.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hair Loss And Growth Vitamins Guide

Hello everyone!
I want to talk about Hair Vitamins as much as Preventing Hair Loss Vitamins also called responsible for Hair Growth.

How much our appearance effects our daily happiness level? I think hair has a lot to do with the appereance and by that with a level of our happiness and better functionality!

I know lot of people that had experienced bit of fear and anxiety after loosing some hair or seeing their hair goes thin a bit.

Hair Growth Vitamins will definitely help every person to get their hair back in great shape and get their self steam back in good state.

There are many reasons why any man or woman will need some hair loss vitamins in some period of their lives.

Something that know to be a bit of a nightmare for man is a Alopecia Androgenica which is a hereditary form of hair loss that has no specific cure Vitamin to resolve the problem. Hair Growth Vitamin H can be at great help in this matter.

In this matter there is no guaranties but it could help in slowing down the process of boldness.

On the other hand lets talk little bit about woman problem that can occur in the period of pregnancy.

In this period woman can lose hair because of stress and hormone imbalance. Good news is that this state can be just temporary and that Hair Growth Vitamins can help woman return to normal status when we talk about Hair.

Lets say that there are some Hair Growth Vitamins that can particular help this matter like: Hair Vitamin A that will get a good condition, then Vitamin B, C with Iron and zinc to help hair growth Production.
In this matter Inositol can be used to in a way to help your hair go stronger.

There is an also a problem with Thyroid Imbalance that can make your hair loss go bad.

Like in other cases Hair Loss Vitamins can help in this matter by returning a Thyroid imbalance to normal status and make your hair starts growing normally.

Other diseases and conditions can make your hair go bad . Infections, some medicines, Diabetes, dying, oily or electrical devices like most of hair dryers can make your hair become unhealthy and brittle.

In this cases you should always consult your doctor or some hair specialist doctor before using any of Hair Growth Vitamins. They will probably subscribe the above mentioned Hair Loss Vitamins.

This is a brief but not complete list of the Hair Growth Vitamins:

Vitamin B-Complex ( major B vitamins )

Vitamin E

Vitamin A ( Beta-Carotene )

Vitamin C


Silica (horsetail)

Flaxseed oil

Using the Magnesium, zinc and sulfur in daily recommended doses will help you prevent Hair loss and speed up your recovery from it.

If You want to have healthy hair you have to learn which Vitamins you have to absorb in your organism. From that perspective there is no matter what sex or age or even race you are .

Your hair needs right Vitamins in order to grow and sustain it quality in right way. But always before taking some steps yourself CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR .